Saturday, September 11, 2010


I was choir when everything started on this day nine years ago. We were preparing for a concert so we were up on the bleachers singing our hearts out. I learned about the attacks when I walked into study hall and saw it on the TV screen. I stopped in the doorway and watched the footage for a few minutes before moving to my seat.

I still remember that at that time many in my class didn't know what this meant for our country. They looked at the TV, shrugged off the news and started chatting for the rest of the hour. But I couldn't turn away.

That day and the days following were the first days that I actually felt afraid in my country. I was taking care of my sister's dog and I made my dad walk outside with me at night when we had to take the dog out. And while we were out there I would watch the skies.

It's hard when this day rolls around to relive those memories but I also believe it's necessary.

1 comment:

  1. I remember being scared of "the sky" myself. I kept thinking a plane would crash into my school or house. I was 12, so it didn't really occur to me that the attack wasn't random.

    I actually hate when 9/11 comes. It's probably one of my least favorite days of the year. I'm weird in the sense that, I think it should be a sad day, and that I shouldn't be going out shopping or having some awesome time knowing what people went through years earlier. But at the same time, the world can't exactly stop on that day either, because then the terrorists win. It's an odd situation/day.
